May 16, 2024

Sorensens say 100th Freedom Rock to be auctioned off

Ray “Bubba” Sorensen of Greenfield, and Iowa House District 20 Representative, recently announced his way of concluding the Iowa Freedom Rock Tour. With 97 out of 99 counties currently completed, Sorensen wanted a way to celebrate the end of this eight-year project. Sorensen plans to complete the last two of the 99 counties by the end of August 2021.

The Sorensen originally decided to limit the Iowa Freedom Rock Tour to one Freedom Rock per county because they wanted to complete it in a timely fashion (the goal was in 10 years). They knew if they did not limit it, they might be doing three or four Freedom Rocks per county as they have had offers to do so and really wanted to see this project complete.

“When we first announced this project in 2013, we didn’t know how fast it would take off. We had multiple towns who wanted the Freedom Rock in their county; this is a way for those who didn’t get it the first time to get an official Freedom Rock® now if they would still like to.” Sorensen said.

Sorensen and his wife, Maria, also plan to donate part of the proceeds to a local Veterans charity with the online auction.

“Our kids were just babies when we first ventured out on this 8-year journey across Iowa,” Maria said. “They have literally grown up through this project and have even helped paint several of these [Freedom Rocks], and we have met some amazing people along the way.”

Sorensen said he would host the online auction through the Freedom Rock® Facebook page July 4-November 11.

“We’re very thankful for all of the support we have received over the past eight years with this project and we thought this would be a great way to celebrate the end of the Iowa Tour,” Sorensen said.

Sorensen is not commissioned for his work on the original Freedom Rock south of Menlo but works as an independent mural artist on the Iowa Freedom Rock Tour. Sorensen can only complete about 10 rocks per year due to scheduling and weather and is currently booked into the end of the 2022 year.

“I always say I have three goals with ‘The Freedom Rock® Tour,’ and that is to honor America’s Veterans, promote Iowa tourism and provide for my family,” Sorensen said.

Although the Iowa Freedom Rock Tour concludes, the Sorensens say they are anything from slowing down.

“Currently, we are starting to book into summer of 2023 with not only murals and other artwork but also with the 50 State Freedom Rock Tour as well,” Sorensen said.

For a list of complete counties booked for the Tour and locations of already existing Freedom Rocks, please visit

This is Sorensen’s and his family’s eighth year on the Freedom Rock Tour across Iowa. This also marked the fourth year since Sorensen began the 50 State Freedom Rock Tour with rocks already painted in Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Washington. Freedom Rocks have been booked for the states of North Dakota, Nebraska, and Illinois.

For a link to the online auction, please visit