February 06, 2025

North Maple Street water bids open in June

Creston Waterworks Board approved Tuesday the schedule for bids related to water main replacement in the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of North Maple Street.

Bids will be accepted until 2 p.m. June 6 and are expected to be reviewed during the board’s June 11 meeting.

“We do have a more favorable bid environment,” said General Manager Steve Guthrie as construction-related costs are declining. Timing of this project is as important as cost. The North Maple Street blocks are part of a larger plan to replace more water infrastructure in Uptown Creston. Grant funding for the entire project is running out of time, not allowing time for bids for the larger project.

“We can no longer wait on the larger project to do both together,” he said. “We will run out of time for our grant, that’s not going to do us any good when we can get that many blocks done for the cost.”

Guthrie suggested at least start with the North Maple Street blocks.

The estimate for the North Maple Street blocks are $434,690, including all fees. When Creston Waterworks bid the same project two years ago, the estimate was nearly double.

“That was during the COVID era, a big difference,” he said. “We can’t get three blocks done cheaper than this,” he said.

Guthrie said the initial plan for the Maple Street blocks has changed as more affordable parts are accessible.

Guthrie said if there are no problems with the bid process, work could begin July 15 and last up to three months. Water accounts in that area will be contacted for lead pipe replacement.

There will still be pedestrians allowed in the North Maple Street blocks to stores. The work strategy has not been finalized, but Guthrie expects each block to be done individually and he expects vehicle traffic flow to be difficult.

“The tie into Adams Street could be pretty tricky,” Guthrie said.

Guthrie said the plan for the other parts of Uptown Creston won’t be addressed until later this year because financial formulas and federal funding have not been finalized.

In other water news...

The rains since early April have not just filled Twelve Mile Lake, the source of water for Creston, but it’s overflowing. Guthrie said the lake was 43 inches below capacity on April 4. On May 5, it was overflowing. There was no damage to water facilities during the April 26 tornadoes that damaged property east of Creston.

Radio meter reads at properties are being installed as vendor inventory allows.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.