May 16, 2024

It’s time to make a decision

From Joe Owens

Chairman, Union County Republicans

Where did it go? Did we throw it away? America, is it gone forever? Take a look around at what our society has become. Basic moral values of right and wrong are no longer instilled into our children, not in the home or in our public schools. We stick our heads in the sand and “Let someone else handle our problems.” Our solutions are simple. “Let our government take care of it.” After all, it’s their job, not mine.

In George Washington’s farewell address of 1796, he states, in part, “Of all dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity. Religion and morality are indispensable supports. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principal.” In short, when we turn away from Christian moral values, our government will not insure our freedom. Notice anything slipping away!

We have taken God out of the fiber of our existence. Removed his commands from government buildings and court rooms. We no longer say the Pledge of Allegiance in our public schools. An elementary school girl in Texas is given the assignment to write a report of her grandfather’s experiences in the Vietnam War, and she is told by the school principal “God” cannot be used in her report. Thankfully, her grandfather convinced the principal it was OK to leave God in her report. A middle school boy in California is sent home for wearing a T-shirt with our flag printed on it, “Because some students might find it offensive.” Mass shootings in schools and on public properties, in so called “Gun-free zones,” and our government wants to blame the gun that was used.

Our government has two basic responsibilities: protect our country and its people and protect our freedoms. When did we come up with the idea a college education is an entitlement to be paid for by the taxpayers? I’m supposed to pay for a surfer to sit on a beach in California and draw his welfare check and food stamp card? We are charged, by scripture, to care for widows, orphans and those who can’t, not those who won’t.

Is it too late to recover the America we once knew as it was intended to be? I pray it’s not. Be an accountable adult citizen of this country and our state and go to your Caucus. Take part in the selection of our next Presidential candidate.