December 12, 2024


Green Hills AEA Teacher Quality Committee, regular meeting, 12:30 p.m. May 5, meeting will be held electronically by Zoom, originating from Halverson Center for Education, 24997 Hwy 92, Council Bluffs, Iowa

Agenda: Approval of March 14, 2022 minutes; TQ options to review; 2021-22 review of expenditures; 2021-22 TQ survey feedback; 2022-23 TQ funded opportunities/format; new administration TQ member; other; recommendations/next meeting

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Park and Recreation Board, regular meeting, 5:30 p.m. May 10, Meal Site, restored depot, 116 West Adams Street, Creston

Agenda: Approve minutes April 19 meeting; public forum - the Park and Recreation Board welcome comments from the public on any subject matter park business, including items on the agenda. You are asked to state your name and address for the record and limit remarks to three minutes in order that others may be given the opportunity to speak. The order of the business is at the discretion of the Chair, no action can be taken; Recommend City Council approve payment to C & J Construction for $3,060 for fencing for Lexi’s Puppy Patch; Appointment with Kelly Marcus; Party in the Park; other items

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Southwestern Community College, Board of Directors, regular meeting, 5:30 p.m. May 10, at Southwestern Community College, 1501 West Townline, Creston

Agenda: Consideration of minutes, April 12, regular meeting; Consideration of consent agenda items, tentative agenda, payables; Action items, resolution directing the publication of notice on the proposition of the issuance of not to exceed $3,000,000 Industrial New Jobs training certificates, resolution approving preliminary Official Statement and approving electronic bidding procedures, consideration of tuition and fees, personnel; discussion of monitoring process; Presidents report, other; Board members reports, IACCT, other. '

Dinner held approximately 6 p.m. in board room.

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Union County Board of Supervisors, Public Hearing, 10 a.m. May 16, Union County Board of Supervisors Office.

Agenda: Second reading for Ordinance #36 for the purpose of prohibiting Illegal Dumping within the county and providing for enforcement and penalties

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