December 12, 2024


Greater Regional Health, Board of Trustees, regular meeting, 6 p.m. April 25, via telephone. Contact the Executive Assistant at 641-782-3503 for dial in information.

Agenda: Approval of Agenda; Approval of previous meeting minutes; Medical staff report – Dr. Joshua Holliday, Medical staff applications and reappointments, Executive medical staff – April 19; Quality report – Kim Wheeler; Financial report – Matt McCutchan; Capital requisitions, Camblin water heater – Matt Buck; Administrative report – Monte Neitzel; Unitypoint update – Teresa Newman; board member concerns.

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Union County Board of Health, regular meeting, 8 a.m. April 28, Union County Emergency Management, 705 E. Taylor, Creston, or via ZOOM, Meeting ID 838 7267 9903 Passcode 984151.

Agenda: Approval of agenda; approval of March meeting minutes; correspondence; Agency reports: American Lung Association - Kirsten Johnson, semi annual update, EveryStep Homecare - Tyra Stull, monthly report, Union County Emergency Management - Jo Duckworth, director, monthly update; Departmental reports: Zach Woods, PH Director and Emergency Preparedness, GRH community reinvestment, local public health system survey, public health HHS merger information, contract amendment to Local Public Health Services Agreement - updates to PHEP funding - Action Item; Robin Sevier - RN - Public Health, monthly report, DHS/IDPH alignment updates, conflict of interest; Union County Environmental Health - Amanda Husband, monthly report, approval of FY23 wage for staff, variance request for 2148 Spring Valley Lake Drive; Next meeting will be held 8 a.m. May 26 at the EMA building conference room and via zoom.

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Corning City Council, regular session, 5 p.m. April 25, 601 6th Street, Corning.

Agenda: Adopt agenda; consent agenda, April 11 minutes, claims and fund tranfers, peddler permit - Derrick, building permit and demolition permit - Dollar General, parklet - Vogel & Thomas, park and rec April 12; Citizens forum; new business: Sheriff Johannes first quarter report, surveillance system quote, PCSB additional account for aquatic center credit card, droppett, trees at Lake Binder, SIRHA housing appointment; Attorney report; unfinished business: Nuisance properties, city wide clean up, library board appointments.

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Green Hills AEA Board of Directors’, Facility Review Committee meeting, 4:15 p.m. April 26, prior to regular board meeting, Green Hills AEA, 212 Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak.

The review committee will meet with Jamie Reed, Supervisor of Facilities; Dave Fringer, Executive Director of Technology, Media and Operations; Chad Bartlett, Director of Organizational Strategy, Improvement and Equity. Roofing bids for Halverson Roofing Project will be considered by the committee; Workplace task force report will be heard, no formal action will be taken at this meeting.

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Green Hills AEA Board of Directors, regular meeting, 5:30 p.m., April 26, Green Hills AEA, 212 Coolbaugh Street, Red Oak. Zoom Meeting ID 98680677329 passcode: 458822

Agenda: Approval of agenda; approval of minutes; open forum; board presentation, Targeted Services - Rising Hope Academics and Master Social Workers; board presentation - Field Directors; presentation of administrative procedure revision; HR personnel update for 2022-23; personnel items; consideration of the 2022-25 employment contract for the chief administrator; financial reports; agreements, contracts, and lease agreement; award of bid for Halverson Center Roofing projects; review and consideration of the agency mileage reimbursement rate; administrative board reports, board committee and other reports, administrative reports - Future Ready Symposium, May 3-4, computer science curriculum and professional development grants, technology cooperative purchase for districts, SWIA Mental Health and Disabilities Services region grant, Iowa West Foundation Preschool grant; other business; time and place of next meeting.