July 27, 2024

LETTER: City and Adams County should be on same page

Juli Cooper

Adams County

Adams County Board of Supervisors had the county’s comprehensive plan on its Monday, Dec. 11 agenda.

In my opinion why as a county are we doing a single chapter for $11,000 when previously SICOG (experienced and local) had presented a proposal to do the entire plan for approximately $30,000 and at that time Confluence proposal was approx. $100,000; but public is still not allowed to comment/question. as to present to public, there was concern perhaps this meeting would be changed like previous meeting Nov. 13 was cancelled, but no, that was not the case.

This seven word listed item was to discuss and possibly act on hiring a firm to do the county comprehensive plan in its entirety after the Renewable Energy Chapter was inserted (?). SICOG was discussed as well as Confluence to do this entire plan.

In my opinion why as a county are we doing a single Chapter for $11,000 when previously SICOG (experienced and local) had presented a proposal to do the entire plan for approximately $30,000 and at that time Confluence proposal was approx. $100,000; but public is still not allowed to comment/question.

The board members requested Charles Bechtold to obtain and present a proposal from both agencies before they would proceed. So item was tabled. During discussion Mayor Jan Leonard brought to their attention that at the city council meeting that night (Dec. 11) the council would be discussing hiring SICOG to do the city comprehensive plan and thought “the city and the county should be on the same page, uniformity”. Action tabled.

Once again we will wait to see how our/your county tax dollars will get spent. In my opinion, had this been done in a timely manner and in proper sequence, it would have been accomplished with less expense to the county.