May 18, 2024

LETTER: Correct position

Kenneth Mallas


This letter is to set the record straight.

I am responding to Pat Shipley’s letter that was in the Creston News Advertiser Wednesday, Jan. 18. I know Pat Shipley well. She was a teacher in the Corning school system. I have found myself many times agreeing with her.

However, not this time, by the one statement she made in her article. I take issue with it. “Public money is for public schools.” That is not a true statement. Public money only becomes public money when someone pays their taxes. The public does not make money. They collect money. Plain and simple they collect our money and use it as best as possible.

I believe with all my heart and soul that the position of our Iowa Governor is a correct one. The state of Iowa collects tax dollars. I have no problem with giving tax dollars to any schools that teaches kindergartners to 12th grade. These schools should teach what is required by the state of Iowa. They should have tha right.