May 18, 2024

LETTER: Prayerfully cast your vote

Norma Fast


I am writing to encourage all those of legal age and citizenship to vote in the midterm election. The outcome of this election will have a serious consequence on the future of our republic. Please note I said republic and not democracy.

Unfortunately many of our leaders are confused on this matter. Our country is a constitutional republic that has a democracy that allows its people to vote and speak without being silenced. It follows a democratic rule that allows debates and opinions from both sides of any opinion. On Sept. 18, 1787, “a lady asked Benjamin Franklin what have we got, a republic or a monarchy. He replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” Our wise founding fathers wanted republicanism because its principles guaranteed liberty, with opposing, limited powers offsetting one another.

They used scripture to lay out the basic three branches of government. “For the lord is our Judge (Supreme Court), the lord is our Lawgiver (Congress), the lord is our King (president); He will save us.” Isaiah 33:22

The purpose of this foundation is to bring balance of power to our government process. When one branch oversteps and gets out of its lane it causes chaos. We are seeing this chaos because both Congress and the executive branch have stepped out of their lanes.

We need to stand up and use our voices. The less involved the federal government is in our lives, the better. The more handed to you by the government, the more demanded of you by that government. Please take time to vote for leaders who will say no to out of control spending; protect the woman’s right for good healthcare, but when there is another human being involved, protect that life too; protect the innocence of our children; protect our police on the streets and highways and at the border; open our pipelines; demand border security and strengthen manpower at the border rather than the IRS. This list could go on and on. I will close with this. I love God, and I love this country, and I want God’s very best to shine on my children and grandchildren.

We are one nation under God. Please prayerfully cast your vote on Nov. 8.