April 16, 2024

LETTER: Vote no

Barb Nelson


Iowans want to live free of gun violence. We want the freedom to send our kids to school and live normally in our communities without fear of shootings. No matter which part of Iowa we come from, most of us, including gun owners, support common-sense gun laws. They reduce crime and the risks to law enforcement.

A gun amendment to Iowa’s Constitution is on the ballot in November. When you read the amendment, you may think it sounds fine. But the words “strict scrutiny” change this from an amendment that mirrors our U.S. Constitution to one that endangers Iowa’s common-sense gun laws.

“Strict scrutiny” means any law seen as restricting gun rights would be more likely to be struck down by a court.

This week’s KMA radio poll asked, “Do you believe individuals convicted of domestic violence should be allowed to own guns?” Only 7% answered ”yes” while 90% answered “no.” Currently, any person convicted of domestic violence is prohibited from owning a gun. This common-sense gun law and others could be struck down if this amendment passes.

Turn your ballot over to the last item on the ballot. Vote noon the question,”Shall the following amendment to the Constitution be adopted?”

Vote No on Iowa Amendment #1.