September 20, 2024

COLUMN: Creston Chamber of Commerce for February

By Ellen Gerharz, Executive Director

The Creston Chamber of Commerce wears many different hats. I know many people view the Chamber as an organization working primarily to promote and grow our various businesses in the area and that is a primary objective, but we are also viewed as a source of information for people and businesses outside of Creston who desire to know more about our community. We are also a place where Creston residents can turn for answers. I hope all of you visit the Chamber’s Website at regularly. It is a great source of information about our Community and the Calendar of Events found on our Home Page is updated regularly.

The Chamber also works very hard to promote and showcase Creston, as well as being a leadership organization, which works to unify and map a course for Creston’s future development. With this in mind I would like to detail some of the various committees and or groups within the Creston Chamber of Commerce that we will partner with over the next few months.

The Chamber takes the lead in the promotion of tourism for our area. Creston/Union County Tourism continues to increase the visibility of our area, our various tourism attractions and events. Highlighting a few of the things that we are doing include our ad in the 2024 Iowa Travel Guides and information and ads in various other print publication and social media.

In addition to these efforts, the Chamber Office sends information and brochures to welcome centers and attractions across the state and to other states and other media outlets in a continuing effort to make people aware of our great area and what we have to offer.

We are also very involved in the 10,000 Crestonians 4th of July Celebration as well as Creston/SW Iowa Hot Air Balloon Days and No Place Like Creston for the Holidays. The Chamber also assists other events and organizations in Creston with their promotion.

Another method used to reach individuals who might want to visit our area is through the internet. In the past few years more and more people are using the Internet to gather information and we have continued to grow our presence there. Besides the Chamber Website there is the Union County Tourism Website. This web address is It is an excellent source of information about Creston and Union County. In addition to the two websites we are also active on Facebook, X (formerly Twitter) and in the past few months we have joined Instagram. All of these provide a digital front door to the community and area which sees tens of thousands of visits per year. If you are not following the Chamber on one or all of these options please take a moment to become a follower.

Upcoming Legislative Coffees in 2024

During the 2024 Legislative Session the Chamber will once again provide you an opportunity to ask written questions of our Legislators during Legislative Coffee’s. The Coffees have been scheduled at 8 a.m. on Saturday Feb. 10 and tentatively on March 16 in the Mealsite at the Restored Depot in Uptown Creston. They last for an hour. Representative Devon Wood and Senator Tom Shipley are planning to attend. Please mark your calendars. All coffees are open to the public at no charge.

Creston Bucks

Please remember that Creston Chamber Bucks are a great gift idea year around. The program allows recipients to redeem their Creston Chamber Bucks at more than 200 Chamber Businesses in the area. They are a great way to keep money local while supporting our local businesses.

February Events

Please see below a few of the events and activities taking place in Creston during the month.

Friends of the Library Cookie Bouquets are available to order at the Library by Feb. 10. A box of six cookies is $10 and a box of 12 is $15 and six gluten free cookies are $12. Deliveries in Creston only on Feb. 14.

Creston Park & Rec will hold their Comedy Night on Feb. 10 that the Eagles in Creston.

Creston High School Speech Team Dessert Theatre, will take place 7 p.m., on Feb. 15 at Creston High School.

The Creston Animal Rescue Effort’s Spay-ghetti Supper will be at the Eagles Club from 5:30 to 7 p.m. Feb. 16.

The Lion’s Spud Supper will take place from 4:30 to 7 p.m. Feb. 22 at 400 N. Elm in Creston.

Gold Star Business Honored

The Chamber honored Hartsock Insurance Services, 800 South Vine in Creston, this month as the February Gold Star Business in Creston. They were nominated by their fellow Crestonians because of the appearance both inside and out of their building and property. Congratulations.

Please contact the Chamber if you would like to acknowledge a business property.

Hi-Five Honoree for January

The following individuals and businesses were honored with the Hi-Five Honor in February. Congratulation to Alex Pettit and Staff at Medicap Pharmacy, Dory Schaffer at Walmart Super Center, Will Drake at Walmart Super Center, Barbara Mathews at Walmart and Rod Carroll, Creston True Value. Job well done.

The Hi-Five for Service allows us to recognize those who make shopping and doing business in Creston a rewarding and positive experience. Please contact the Chamber with your honoree.

The Chamber would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Creston High School Wrestling Team for winning the 2024 Class 2A Wrestling State Duels this past weekend. Job well done.