Letter: Drive thru Christmas

From Ron Dunphy, Creston

A time to share; I wrote this on Christmas Day to be saved for reflection in some future time. I hesitate to think of how many times, in these troubling times, how often across these United States a similar happening occurred?

December 25, 2020

Some might describe the scene as ‘magical’ but Dot and I were drawn to our back door as we witnessed a familiar vehicle drive in our driveway this afternoon. We both knew it was Colton’s vehicle and as it drove closer we could tell it was Colton driving. Finally we could tell Holly was sitting on his lap. The ‘drive through’ Christmas was happening; when the vehicle stopped we could both see Holly waving to us standing in the backdoor doorway. The beautiful Holly’s small fingers and left arm were giving us an energetic wave coupled with a small voice, not understood. Dot recognized the need immediately; it was time to deliver her small Christmas present. Cautious to ‘keep the required distancing’ because of COVID-19, I approached Holly sitting on Colton’s lap. I held the nicely wrapped gift on my index finger so Holly could clearly make it out to be a Christmas present.

She accepted it with a beautiful smile and an audible “Thank you!” I said Merry Christmas this from Grandma and Grandpa. More words came from Holly that I did not immediately understand as I shivered in the cold breeze. Grandma under-stood however, the “Merry Christmas” greeting was meant for the older generation even if we could not hug her as usual. As Colton left the driveway Holly’s small arms were flashing the signal; goodbye.

Much later today Holly’s Aunt Amy called us. Amy related her conversation with her niece Holly. Amy was given to understand she had been to our home but could not get out for hugs and greetings because “we have germs and cannot see people!”

May all of you have and enjoy a Happy New Year.