February 06, 2025

County names new assessor


Union County Conference board members Thursday approved naming assessor office staff member Jessica Hagen as the next assessor.

The position has been vacant since Mindy Schaefer left Jan. 2 in a resignation. Schaefer said in December during her resignation announcement Hagen has been taking courses to become a certified Iowa county assessor. Hagen started working in the Union County office last August.

After Thursday’s meeting, Hagen said after she started employment she began the work on becoming assessor certified. She said some surveys show 30% of Iowa county assessors are expected to retire at the end of their term. Iowa county assessors are appointed to the position for a six-year term. Hagen was appointed to finish Schaefer’s term which ends Dec. 31, 2026.

Hagen’s approval last night was contingent on her completing additional courses and approval by the state. What she has completed so far is enough for the state to allow her to do assessor duties. Once all her courses have been completed and approved, she will be on a list of available credited assessors by the state department of revenue.

Union County Auditor Sandy Hysell had been overseeing the assessor’s office after Schaefer left. Hysell and Hagen agreed Hagen has enough time to finish the courses in time for the state and before Dec. 31, 2026.

Within seven days of the vacancy, the county’s examination board had to meet and request the list of accredited assessors from the department of revenue. The examination board is Jill McKnight, Jake McGehee and Phil Waigand; one appointed by the county board of supervisors, the mayors of each town and school districts; all taxing entities within the county. Those three categories make up the conference board.

McKnight spoke Thursday for the examination board who said they interviewed four applicants including Hagen. The examination board recommended Hagen. Union County Supervisor Rick Friday made the motion to approve Hagen. It was seconded by Creston Mayor Waylon Clayton. Conference board members in attendance, and via telephone, all voted in favor.

The examination board reviews eligible applicants and makes a recommendation to appoint to the conference board. Schaefer said in December the list of eligible assessors regularly changes. The list typically includes those who are working, retired assessors who are still accredited and those accredited but not working in the position.

When asked if Hagen would hire to fill the office position she had, Hagen said she will wait until later in the year. She has concerns about the additional amount of work typically at the beginning of the calendar year and finding time to interview and train. She said later in the year will be a more ideal time.

Hagen inherits the pay amount Schaefer left at; $72,888. In her department’s proposed budget for fiscal year 2026, she included increasing the assistant position pay to $65,230, a 4% increase. The assessor’s office has no representation on the county compensation board, which reviews and suggests pay for the county’s elected positions.

Hagen said Walmart’s appeal over its property taxes is scheduled to to be in court May 13. The retail store is questioning its 2023 valuation.

The conference board approved to hold a public hearing regarding the office’s proposed budget for 5:30 p.m., Feb. 20 at the courthouse.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.