September 20, 2024

Little feet take big steps

Officials at the groundbreaking ceremony Wednesday for Creston's Early Childhood Center are from left, Eric Beron, DLR architects; Galen Zumbach, Creston school board; Callie Anderson, Creston elementary principal, Jessica Spencer, kindergarten teacher; Sharon Snodgrass, Creston school board member and Deron Stender, Creston Community Schools Superintendent.

As some retail stores try and sell as much as possible so customers can get their needs in one place, Creston Community Schools has the same feeling for its new early childhood center under construction.

During groundbreaking ceremonies Wednesday afternoon outside Creston’s elementary and middle school building, Creston Community School Board President Galen Zumbach said the concept was to “consolidate into one campus” for the district’s younger grades.

“It will be a wonderful environment,” he said. The building is designed to have a capacity of about 200 students plus staff. Zumbach added his support for school officials and community that “cares for the youngest of students...where little feet take big steps.”

Preschool instructor Sherri Cramer said a lot of thought was put into the design and environment of the building.

“Environment is so essential,” she said.

Creston Community Schools District Superintendent Deron Stender said the concept to relocate the early childhood center has been a 10 year discussion, before Stender’s time in Creston. He called it a “vision and work of the school officials” to get this to point. The existing center is on North Elm surrounded by a residential part of town. The future of the North Elm building has not been determined.

Stender said the project will not ask for more from the district’s taxpayers.

The schedule is to have the grand opening in August 2025, when the 2025-2026 school year begins.

“This building is where the future is,” he said.

Construction of the center has rerouted elementary and middle school traffic. To access the elementary and middle school, drive through the high school off of Townline Street. The path will lead to the elementary and middle school. Exiting is only from the elementary and middle school using North Lincoln. The traffic route is expected through later November.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.