AFTON - Afton City Council held a special meeting Tuesday dedicated to interview and review utility clerk applicants. Additionally, the council made a couple of decisions related to tabled discussions during last week’s regular board meeting.
The council privately interviewed the four applicants considered for the utility clerk position. The previous utility clerk for Afton resigned in June.
Each interview was set for 30 minutes. Four interviews were scheduled out of the eleven applicants during last week’s regular meeting. After all four interviews were concluded, the board privately discussed the applicants.
The board named Crystal Thomas as the utility clerk. She revealed her acceptance on her Facebook.
A couple decisions were made before interviews took place. Highway 169 received approval for closure for September’s homecoming parade. On Sept. 13, from 6:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., the stretch of the highway from Railroad Street to Polk Street will be closed for the parade.
The decision was tabled during last week’s regular meeting to get additional approval from the DOT. A detour has already been planned that will direct traffic west onto Pierce Street.
A planned discussion to make a decision around the internet provider for city hall and the Wi-Fi center was tabled once again, with the board concluding additional information to make a confident decision was not yet available.