October 22, 2024

Water board approves Maple Street bid

Two years later and it’s about $250,000 less in cost.

Tuesday, Creston Water Works board approved a bid to replace water infrastructure in the 100, 200 and 300 blocks of North Maple Street.

“The project is almost $300,00 cheaper than the previous time we bid,” said General Manager Steve Guthrie comparing the two. The bid was at $488,393. “Last time it was $738,660.” United Utility was awarded the project.

Water infrastructure will be replaced in those three blocks. Guthrie said a work schedule has not been finalized, but expected it to begin either the week of July 8 or July 15. A June 20 meeting may determine the start date. Should there be no difficulties with the work, it should be complete in early September. The difficulties may arise when replacing water mains that go back to the late 1800s. Guthrie is not expecting vehicle traffic in those blocks during the work but people can still use the sidewalks to access properties.

United Utility was one of three bids. The highest was $650,135. The engineer’s estimate was $434,690.

“That is not terrible,” Guthrie said comparing that to United’s bid.

The city of Creston is contributing $27,000 and the project has a $500,000 Community Block Development Grant. Guthrie said Creston City Council will schedule a public hearing regarding the project and financing. Guthrie is expecting some additional costs during the construction.

Because of the high bids in 2022, which were largely influenced by COVID inflation, it was more than available financing, Creston Water tabled the project.

In other water news...

Rates will increase beginning July 1. The minimum usage at 2,100 gallons a month will increase from $21.62 to $24.62.

Guthrie said the average user is at 4,000 gallons. At that amount, the monthly cost will go from $41.15 to $46.10.

Guthrie said Twelve Mile Lake was still 18 inches above capacity in mid-May because of the rains since late April.

Board members Melissa Driskell and Mark Eblen were not in attendance.

John Van Nostrand


An Iowa native, John's newspaper career has mostly been in small-town weeklies from the Rocky Mountains to the Mississippi River. He first stint in Creston was from 2002 to 2005.