May 18, 2024

Drive thru Trick or Treat at McKinley

Bright Eyes in the Park has gone drive thru only for 2020.

“We’re excited to be able to do it, obviously it’s going to be different, but I think we’ve got it worked out,” Creston Animal Rescue Effort volunteer leader Mycale Downey said. “It’s still going to be a fun event.”

This is the 21st year that CARE has hosted Bright Eyes. Typically 20 to 40 businesses participate and 400 to 500 children attend each year.

Money raised during Bright Eyes Saturday will be used to pay for veterinarian work for animals at the city pound, advertising and adoption costs. The city pound is owned by the city of Creston, but CARE volunteers do most of the work caring for the animals and helping them get adopted.

Although it is a drive thru event due to COVID-19 restrictions, volunteers and participants are still encouraged to wear Halloween costumes. The temperature is expected to be at or near freezing, so warm clothing is recommended.

On Oct. 24, businesses that are giving out candy will park single file on Stone Street between McKinley Street and Lake Shore Drive.

Beginning at 4 p.m. and ending at 5:30 p.m., families should drive south on McKinley Street towards Stone Street, stopping at the corner near the Historical Complex wagon, to pay $5 per child receiving candy. Volunteers will give each child a bag. Children will stay in the vehicle as it proceeds down Stone Street toward the lake.

At each business’s stop, someone will come up and put the treats in the bag. The drive thru will end at Lake Shore Drive.

CARE relies on donations and fundraisers such as Bright Eyes. The city pound currently has a lot of cats and kittens, so cat food and cat litter are especially needed. The group prefers Purina Natural or Iams cat food. Donations of dog food and supplies are also welcomed. To volunteer or donate call 641-782-2330.