April 20, 2024

Twitter or Facebook?

Twitter is full of treasures, topics, time and talent, plus tantalizing and tasteful tauntings; people watch and wonder, waver, whine, weep and wince, full of wit and wantings....

It is profitable for our president, has great potential, and the polls say its popular for political propaganda pundits; on the other hand, Facebook is full of fame and fortune, fun and fallacy and fiction, which can be fake or fact, however you find it.... so let’s show and make some memories with majestic majesty, where many make their mark; chart your course, to cultivate character, or craftily commit to a cheeky charmer on a lark....

Wherever you want your fame or fortune or fun, keep your focus and faith, then finish your dream ever after; always remember to be helpful, heedful, hopeful and humble. End with happy-go-lucky laughter!