April 23, 2024

‘Beef is better’

For Christmas my daughter-in-law Sue had many old slides re-done so that they could be copied onto the computer. The idea and the product warmed the cockles of my heart. Many good thoughts happened as I looked at projected images from back about 1987.

Among them was supporting advertising that was printed for “the first hay auction,” which of course started Union County down the path of having a regular hay auction. The venue was encouraged, as I recall, by AgFed Credit Union, Mark Pearson, SWCC and the two local banks. I posted the signs around town and Mark got John Harmelink from Rock Valley to come to Creston Feed and Grain to do a seminar on buying and selling hay, AND to do the first ever auction. Then you took charge and look what happened. A regular auction that happens still.

Many thanks for starting a small business in southern Iowa. In addition, by testing the bales they wish to sell, producers can now know the nutrient value of what they have to sell and buyers can know what they might feed their cattle.

Haying machinery has gotten better so what has held cowboys back from purchasing and grazing more cattle? Genetics have improved so the beef eating experience is as good or better than it has ever been. Grazing techniques have also caught on. If only some landowners would convert eroding landscapes to beautiful rolling hills of lush green grass to keep our fragile soil out of rivers streams and lakes.

Now to move the calves to a “finishing” lot.

Cows may come, cows may go. Have a steak; we have a stake. Beef is better!