May 16, 2024

Wind energy is good for us

Hello, my name is Wyatt Franklin, and I attend Creston Community High School. I have been researching wind energy. There is a lot of controversy around this topic, and I have found that it is in fact, not bad at all. I think we all should advocate it, and here is why ...

Unlike other forms of energy production, wind energy does not secrete any emissions. Rather than polluting the air, it uses it to its advantage – wind turbines use things like high winds to generate lucrative amounts of electricity.

There are a few negatives of course. One thing, such as wildlife – bats and birds do run into the turbines on occasion. But steps are being made to stop this — one being that turbines are often stopped during periods of migration and are also slowed down during times like these.

There is a lot of controversy of whether it is bad for farmers. In some cases, yes, it could cause more damage than it was intended to solve. But in others, it has proven to be good for farmers. When a wind company wants to put turbines on a land, they can either buy the land or rent it from the farmers. This extra money to the farmers could help them out during tough times. Along with giving money to the farmers, it is also giving money to the people – the maintenance of these turbines is generating jobs that your average Joe can have. Not to mention that construction of them also generates many jobs. Not only is wind energy good for the environment, but it’s also good for the people, as can be seen by the jobs it is generating.

Overall, wind energy is an eco-friendly source of energy harvest, even going to the lengths to be supported by EPA. Although it has some quirks, companies are adapting to fix those and help fix the way we get energy.