April 19, 2024

On strike!

HOLLYWOOD – God bless America, and how’s everybody?

The Beverly Hills Hotel offered a $100 per person Mother’s Day buffet Sunday in the hotel’s Polo Lounge, complete with a Mariachi band. It’s not an easy holiday for many celebrities. For instance, Mother’s Day has to be the most confusing day of the year for Kylie Jenner.

Georgia adopted a new law last week which could prevent abortions as early as six weeks into a woman’s pregnancy. In protest, TV star Alyssa Milano on Friday called upon every woman in the U.S. to go on a sex strike against men. Alyssa Milano wants to Make Masturbation Great Again.

Hollywood star and Democratic activist Alyssa Milano made headlines Friday by demanding that all women in the U.S. go on a sex strike against men in protest of a recent Georgia abortion law. She didn’t fool me. How self-serving, calling for a sex strike while quietly buying Duracell stock.

Mental Health Today ran a psychological profile of Baby Boomer men which discovered that a high percentage of us have never reached the level of adult responsibility as did our parents of the Greatest Generation. I still have a lot of growing up to do. I realized that the other day in my fort.

Psychology Today released a study showing that manic-depression is on the rise in the U.S. It backs up another study that says Americans are the world’s most depressed people, and for good reason. Apparently we are in danger of running out of mediocre white men to run for president.

History Channel magazine ran an article suggesting parallels to the fall of the Roman Empire and the U.S. today. We’ve gotten cocky. We elected FDR to end the Great Depression, we elected Ronald Reagan to defeat the Soviet Union and we elected Trump because we thought it’d be hilarious.

President Trump seized a North Korean ship, began a trade war with China and sent warships to Iran, adding to his war with the media. The most amazing thing is, he’s never taken a drink. It’s got AA admitting for the first time in 80 years that sobriety might not be the answer for everybody.

President Trump faces Crazy Bernie, Creepy Joe, an unpronounceable mayor, an Irish Texan who thinks he’s Hispanic and a Massachusetts Okie who thinks she’s Cherokee. This is nuts. We simply must find a way to show compassion for the mentally ill without letting them run for president.

Democrat candidate Senator Kamala Harris touted her ability to energize young voters up and down California. To energize young crowds in California, you must travel from Pacific Beach to Marina del Rey to West Hollywood to Silicon Valley and ask them one question. Who’s got the blow?

Astronomers at Livermore Laboratory in California reported findings Thursday saying that old stars collapse when they exhaust their supply of nitrogen. That’s nonsense. Old stars collapse when they realize the mayor of South Bend, Indiana, is their best chance of beating President Trump.

Russia’s Vladimir Putin slipped on the ice and fell while he was skating around a hockey rink in a victory lap and waving to the crowd after playing in a hockey game. He fell on his face looking very silly. Everyone in Europe had a good laugh at it, till they realized this is how World War I began

Chancellor Angela Merkel refused calls to change Germany’s national anthem that Germans have sung for a century. Some want to wipe away all traces of the Third Reich. I always thought that the guy who killed Hitler would be remembered as a hero, but Hitler never gets ANY credit for it.