May 13, 2024

Support the Creston Volunteer Firefighters

From Daniel Stull

Creston Volunteer Fire Chief

With 2018 behind us and 2019 beginning, the Creston Volunteer Fire Department is looking forward to another year of protecting life and property. This past year brought about many changes and successes for the department.

The Creston Volunteer Fire Department would like to thank everyone for their support during the motorcycle raffle this past year. The proceeds helped to purchase battery operated extrication equipment. This equipment will allow us more mobility and access areas that our truck mounted extrication system cannot. Your donations from last year helped purchase a new air bag system, which replaced equipment more than 25 years old.

This year, our goal is to start construction on a new training facility. This facility, composed of various shipping containers will be three stories tall and able to simulate real scenarios. Firefighters will be able to train on such things as extinguishing flames, conducting search and rescue operations, ventilation, high angle maneuvers and much more. A facility of this caliber will improve our level of training through its ease of scenario set up, close proximity to the station and variety of training opportunities. We know this is a lofty goal, but one we are very excited to pursue. Through your donations and grants we can make this goal a reality.

As we have done for many years, we will continue to sponsor and be a part of numerous civic projects. We will sponsor the annual Easter egg hunt at McKinley Park on April 20. We will help set up the flags at Graceland Cemetery for Memorial Day. We will continue to assist with the Union County Fairground events, Fourth of July fireworks display and numerous parades. We will also be hosting Fire Prevention Week Oct. 7-11 with an open house and pancake supper on Oct. 9 and visiting area schools to teach children about fire safety and prevention throughout the week.

It is through your contributions that we are able to provide the services we do for the community and the fire department in particular. The annual Creston Volunteer Fire Department dance fundraiser will be held March 9 at the Eagles Lodge. The band “Western Outlaws” is returning to play some country and classic rock for all to enjoy.

Please find your mailing your received with an enclosed self-addressed remittance envelope for your tax-deductible donation. Your donation to the Creston Volunteer Fire Department is really a donation to the community.

If you are someone willing to work hard, train hard, have fun and serve your community, feel free to talk to any of the members of the Creston Volunteer Firefighters or pick up an application at the Creston Fire Station. We are always looking for a few good firefighters to join the team.