September 20, 2024

Could we please leave politics out of it?

From Alvin Schlapia


A recent letter to the Creston News Advertiser suggests Creston citizens are not responsible. Why? Because the majority of us voted in the latest presidential election for our current U.S. President. Also, in previous elections a majority of us voted for our current Iowa Senators. Our voting record was said to be the main contributing cause of the recent KKK incident.

Hogwash! I do not condone the incident either. Maybe, just maybe, the historical unjust actions of the KKK are not being taught strongly enough by our history teachers in our schools and by the parents in our homes. I do not pretend to know the answer for better race relations. I do know dragging ugly politics into the fray is not the answer.

I also firmly believe those who have made the comments regarding “community values” do have the best interest of our community in their hearts and tongues. If the citizens of Creston are being irresponsible, I ask that writer to more specifically pinpoint a better reason than politics.

I really do not care for our president as a man, but he is our duly elected president and I will stand with and behind him and our Iowa Senators as I stood behind our previous president. It is time for those complaining about the election to hold their tongues and cease jealous, childish and hateful demonstrations. Stand behind all of our elected officials!

Yes, we have our First Amendment right to voice our complaining opinion, but we also have a responsibility to help make this country a good and safe place to live and raise our families. We cannot do that when all we do is complain and promote disturbances. You will have another chance to vote in your choice of legislators and president in the next one to three years. Until then, please sit down.

I would venture if the Democrats had put up a viable candidate, then Trump would not have been elected. Yes sir, Hillary was your pet skunk, so quit complaining about the smell.