May 16, 2024

‘Random Acts of Kindness’ column?

From Jim Stalker


A few days ago, my wife sent a letter in to you folks addressing an act of responsibility and kindness she saw from her front window. She wanted other people to know about such things that happen in Creston.

That brought up a thought in my mind. Why don’t you folks at the paper, start a column entitled something like “Random Acts of Kindness?” I’m sure other people have seen themselves or have had someone do an act of kindness to them, and would like others to hear about it.

Writing about a random act they’ve performed for someone else might seem a little egotistical so it might be best to leave that one alone, but I think it might lead to some interesting reading. Reading about things like that have the effect to bring us up a little and we can all use a little more positive thinking in our lives.