May 16, 2024

American Simmental Foundation announce bronze merit award winners

DES MOINES – The Iowa Simmental Association (ISA) announced this year’s foundation merit award winners during their annual banquet held Feb. 12 in Des Moines. Established in 1981 by the American Simmental Association (ASA) Board of Trustees, the merit award program is designed to provide recognition to junior members who have made significant contributions to their community, home, family, school and the Simmental breed of cattle. Judging is completed by a committee and based on a combination of factors including leadership, scholarship, extra-curricular participation and direct involvement with the beef industry. Recipients of this year’s bronze merit awards are Cody Long and Tyler Loudon, both of Creston.

Cody Long is the son of Rob and Gina Long of Creston. He attends Orient-Macksburg High School and is active in 4-H and FFA. He is a longtime member of the Iowa Junior Simmental Association and is currently serving as the Southwest Iowa representative on the Iowa Junior Simmental Board.

Tyler Loudon is the son of Tim and Karen Loudon of Creston. He attends Creston Community Schools and is active in several areas of 4-H. Loudon was the winner of the Iowa Simmental directory photography contest.

Both members have participated in numerous Iowa Simmental Field Days, Iowa Beef Expo selling their own seedstock and National and Regional Simmental Classic shows. Both were in the top 10 overall winners of their age divisions at last year’s National Classic Simmental Show.

The ASA is headquartered in Bozeman, Montana, and maintains the breed registries for the Simmental and Simbrah breeds of cattle. ASA has an active adult and junior membership of nearly 5,000.