May 20, 2024

4-H Spotlight

Name: Chris Wells

Club name: Lincoln United

School name and grade: Creston Community Middle School, seventh grade

What has been the highlight of your 4-H career so far?

So far, the highlight of my 4-H career was showing rabbits at the Iowa State Fair last year. I was very excited to win best opposite sex with my home-raised Black Havana and also, with my Himalayan Netherland.

What are you most looking forward to in 4-H this year?

I’m really looking forward to home-raising some new rabbits and seeing how they do at the Union County Fair and Iowa State Fair this year.

If you could meet someone famous, who would you want to meet and why?

If I could someone famous, it would be to go back in time and meet JFK. He is my favorite president because he was very charismatic, and I think he did a lot of good things while president.