May 15, 2024

Club news

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary

Ladies Lakeshore Auxiliary met July 9.

Canasta winners were Wanda Nash, first; Maxine May, second; Barb Veitz, third.

Nash won the door prize.

Mary Kline was hostess for cards and chatter Wednesday.

Kent Dinner Club

Kent Dinner Club met July 10 at The Windrow with eight in attendance.

The next meeting will be 5:30 p.m. Aug. 14 at The Windrow.

Iowa Alpha Sigma Master

Iowa Alpha Sigma Master Chapter No. 1632 met 2 p.m. July 10 at the home of Loretta Kelly.

President Marilyn Larimore called the 83rd meeting to order with members repeating the opening ritual. Roll call was answered with members telling of a July 4 memory. Minutes of the June 26th meeting were read and approved as read.

Treasurer Pat Fils gave her report.

Cheryl McClure has some red roses she will donate to the chapter and will take them to Marilyn Larimore’s for future use.

Norma and Howard Putnam will have an anniversary July 20.

Larimore read the description of motions from the gray book.

The yardstick will be filled out and sent to international the first part of August.

Next meeting will be July 24 at Summit House with husbands at 6:30 p.m. Social committee will be in charge.

Members repeated the closing ritual then joined hands for the Mizpah.

Dorothy Eyberg gave the program on Arlington Ladies.

Refreshments were served by the hostess.

VFW Post 1797

VFW Post 1797 met July 8 at the Elks in Creston. Fifteen members and guests were present for dinner.

Commander O’Daniels called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. with 11 members present.

The post draped the charter for veteran George Faust.

Minutes and QM reports were read and approved.

Service officers report was honor guard 40 hours, community service 28 hours, Bloodmobile 15 hours and hospital 41 hours for a total of 124 hours. The Post also traveled 580 miles for veterans.

In old business, thanks to all who participated in the Fourth of July activities.

In new business, induction of new officers was held.

A petition for having a VA outreach clinic in south central Iowa will continue until the end of July. Encourage anyone to sign.

The meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.

The next meeting will be Aug. 12 at the Elks with 6 p.m. dinner and 7 p.m. meeting. All veterans are encouraged to attend.


The weekly Kiwanis meeting was held 12:05 p.m. Tuesday at The Windrow with 20 members and four guests.

Chris Frederickson, president, presided. Drew Henderson did the prayer, and Korina Loudon was finemaster. The program was Gordon Crawford, who discussed the creation of a pregnancy care center in Creston similar to the one in Stuart.

Kiwanis Lt. Gov. Ron Peterson and incoming Lt. Gov. Bob Dunaway were in attendance for the meeting.