April 23, 2024

Adams County Sheriff

Netosha Nichole Stalder, 29, of Corning was charged with third-offense possession of a controlled substance 11:01 a.m. Tuesday at the Adams County Courthouse.

According to an Adams County Sheriff report, the county attorney’s office alerted the sheriff’s office that Stalder was in the court room and there was a warrant for her arrest. During the booking process, Stalder made a phone call to a third party who called the owner of the vehicle Stalder was driving. The owner of the vehicle called back to ask about the impound fee on the vehicle, which was not impounded at the time. The officer asked Stalder if there were drugs and a pipe in the vehicle, and Stalder responded that it was a needle and it was hers and she gave the officer permission to retrieve it. The officer found a needle and a green Mentos tin with a clear plastic bag containing a gram of methamphetamine in the center console of the vehicle.

Stalder was being held on $5,000 bond.