April 25, 2024

5 minutes with Marc Roberg, SWCC Shooting Instructor

HOMETOWN: Afton since 1984

FAVORITE MOVIE: "The Last of the Mohicans"

FAVORITE PART ABOUT AFTON: I like the people, it's a small town and the country is beautiful. It's just a hunter's paradise.

WHAT BROUGHT YOU TO SOUTHERN IOWA? I was hired on as a conservation officer with the Department of Natural Resources in 1979 and this was my assigned area.

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING AT SWCC? This is only my second year.

WHAT MADE YOU WANT TO TEACH SHOOTING? When I was a conservation officer I would teach a lot of gun clinics, mostly to younger people. I got to the point where I kind of liked it and it just blossomed from there.

ONE THING MOST PEOPLE DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU: I believe in Bigfoot. Though, he is not in Iowa. I'm also a big alien buff, I believe in all that stuff.

WHERE IS BIGFOOT? Northwestern United States

FAVORITE GUN TO SHOOT: I like shooting my Remington 870 12-gauge more than anything. I also have a Verona 20-gauge and I love shooting it.