April 18, 2024

See you on caucus night

From Jeremy Rounds


The Iowa caucuses matter, and it is important that Iowa continues to lead the nation in the process of electing the next president. A large number participating in the process makes the caucuses that much more relevant, particularly when those that participate are engaged and know the issues. Even if you are cynical of politics and the election process, if you are an informed voter, I encourage you to go out to your local caucus site on Monday, Feb. 1, and participate.

The caucuses are more than just about voting for president. During the caucus, each major political party also conducts other business that shapes our nation’s policies and laws. Participants can also run for leadership positions in the political party of their choices and can present platform ideas, sometimes called planks, that provide direction for the party’s elected leadership, from the president down to the county official. These actions can lead to much needed change in our nation, if the right people participate. Maybe one of those is you.

I, like many I know in Creston, lament the fact that we are no longer living in an unquestionably Christian nation, where Christian principles are the norm and honoring God is accepted at all levels of public life. There is only one way to get back to this, and that is by being involved. Therefore, I especially encourage Christians to come out and vote and participate in the caucus from beginning to end. Come vote in the election and then stay for party business. Support a candidate and platform ideas that honor the God of the Bible. Don’t just stay at home. Don’t just pray. Pray about your involvement and your role, and then get involved. Onward, Christian soldiers. We are Christ’s ambassadors to this world, representing Him. Let’s do it well.

Let us pray and then seek His face, so He will heal this land. See you on caucus night.