April 18, 2024

The reason I voted no

From Lois Monday


Mr. Ritnour, all it takes is one rotten apple in the barrel to ruin a good thing for everyone else. Mr. Ritnour applied for the veteran’s property tax credit last year and was denied because he was only 90 percent qualified. This came from Gene Haner, former assessor. I chose to vote no because something did not smell right at this time. He needed an additional 10 percent more to qualify for this tax credit.

Mr. Loudon and Mrs. Hudek were qualified 100 percent and I had no problem with them getting the property tax credit. But in all fairness, Mr. Ritnour in my opinion did not. All three veterans applied and Mr. Ritnour was in this mix and that is why I voted NO. If he was not there, I would have voted yes. However, I felt he was making a mockery of the tax credit, the veterans, and as I told the board of supervisors, there are many deserving veterans out there that deserve this credit and it makes it hard when someone is trying to get it under circumstances I felt did not seem right to me.

I qualified for this tax credit last year because Jerry’s veteran representative sent me a letter stating he was qualified and there was a burr under Mr. Ritnour’s saddle when I qualified and he did not. I feel whoever doctors him and whoever OK’d this last 10 percent should have their medical license revoked and the veterans hospital needs to evaluate Mr. Ritnour from head to toe to prove he actually deserves this tax credit of 100 percent disabled.

Everyone who applied for the credit got it. The vote was 2-1 and I would have voted yes if Mr. Ritnour was not on the list. My husband Jerry and Mrs. Hudek’s husband paid the ultimate price (death) and how dare you to question anything about that! Shame on you for showing your true colors, but I knew by me voting No, you would be the only one to make a fool of yourself and question this.

This is the second time you have written a letter concerning me. Maybe you and all the concerned people who stuck their nose into something that was none of your business need to go on a scavenger hunt to find it. So you can take a Sunday afternoon ride. It makes for good gossip. It takes a hell of a strong person to vote No and not always Yes. Change it at the polls! I don’t want anyone representing me if you can’t stand up for what is right and vote with the minority. It is not easy and I can’t always vote Yes.

Also you do not have any more pull in any higher office of Federal Government than anyone else to get you that 10 percent you need! What a joke. I hold my head up and I suggest you tell it how it really is. Not how you want it!