April 18, 2024

Celebrating Flag Day

From Jim Stalker


Flag Day was Sunday, June 14. That night, the flags were still flying and that gave me cause for concern. I had always thought I knew the correct way to fly the flag. Once again, I missed the mark, old age is causing memory lapse. It’s Tuesday as I write this and the flags are still standing. Upon looking up on the internet flag protocol, I find that it’s okay to fly the flag at night, as long as it is flying under appropriate lighting. Our street lighting, though not a spotlight shining directly on the flag, must be okay.

Much thanks to the person or persons who raised the flags this Flag Day. It’s a lot of work and I commend you for making the effort. While at that site, I read the rest. It doesn’t hurt to do that once in a while, if only to refresh in your mind, those rules you grew up with and believed in before others came along and liberalized them. While I was at it, I ran through the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. You forget quite a bit when you don’t go over them every now and then.