April 17, 2024

Feed the cities

From Evonne Jennett


You anti-CAFO people wanted some rules so livestock raisers could not put a building where ever they wanted — and you got that with the matrix. According to Webster, convoluted means involved, intricate, which should suit you just fine and not be used by you as a derogatory adjective to matrix.

If you know how to fix the matrix (that you wanted) why not apply for a job with the EPA or DNR and solve your problem rather than just write about it?

You have been fighting a losing battle with CAFOs since in the 1980s, and we still have them. Our population isn’t dying off because of them. And we are feeding more people because of them.

Last week we drove from Clearfield to Bedford and home in a circular route. We went by four hog sites, with from one to three hog barns each. I never smelled any of them! (And my nose still works.)

So, if you want to “feed the hungry without exploiting our friends and neighbors,” move to the country and start raising hogs the old way, because we who are left producing hogs cannot raise enough the old way to feed all you city folks. Lots of you are going to have to come out here into the country and help us out!